Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Grey

The virtuous man strikes again,
Spreading his word on the beggar’s tomb;
White and unstained is his robe,
Blessed by the gods of the worthy land;
The right, the right is what he does
To bring the vagabond home.

Here comes the shadow, malevolent and black,
Engulfing passages that once were free;
Withering flowers that earlier smiled
Gather their tears to water the seeds
That fell from their dry wombs;
Curses, curses under their breath!

A shrouded figure sitting in the dark
Lifts his head and smiles a naughty smile
That makes a virgin dance in the rain;
He trips her with his lanky staff,
Only to help her get up again;
He plays a magic harp that awakens
The dead from their deepest sleep,
And burns their ashes to the ground,
To make them rise from the flames;
His healing touch mends a broken heart,
And then, bruises it afresh,
To caress it with love renewed.

A bringer of tidings- good or bad?
A cursed blessing or a blessed curse?
The smoky rider of the unknown he is,
The mystical alien from a planet unseen;
A saint, a fiend, a hero, a villain,
My grey, my grey, O my grey he is!


  1. dude.... r u srs u hve written dis???

  2. Excellent. I always have these grey areas confusions! Could empathize.

  3. u hv written dis keepin somebdy in mind or its jst a thought??

    1. I write all my poems keeping something in mind, but that "something" can always be extrapolated to a thought.

    2. Another one of ur nice poems.Gr8 wrk..This time could understand the poem evn btr i guess..The way the grey areas were described was brilliant.Have heard abt experiences that make persons better artists..In ur case ur writings keep gettin better..Jus keep on writing.. Looking fwd to next one already!

    3. Glad to know you understood it.Thanks! :-)

  4. Every time I read it, I understand it differently :) It is beautiful, Ipshi.

  5. so true...and so nicely potraited.....had to it more than once to grasp the meaning...good work...:-)

  6. itzz a poem dear to ur heart..may b feelings deep n true.... bt 4 d outsider to unravell it fully is nt n easy job.. bt kudos to d cheery writer,,, n really a awesome poem..:)

  7. Lol dood are you kidding me? This is insane!
    This IMO is prolly your profoundest creation ever, and this i say with no intention of belittling the awesomeness of your earlier poems!

    His healing touch mends a broken heart,
    And then, bruises it afresh,
    To caress it with love renewed.

