Monday, January 31, 2011


The last day of the first month of 2011 starts and the thought for today is-

"There is no such thing as loving or believing too much."

I don't know which dignitary said this. I choose to believe in the words said by the simplest yet extraordinary people I have met-

"If you don't love yourself, don't expect anyone else to love you"
"True love comes to you when you are running away from it the most"
"Don't expect"
"Be spontaneous; don't plan!"
"I think you've forgotten something today- your smile!"

Some might be food for thought in spite of sounding so simple, and the others are simple yet we take so much time to actually implement them.

It has been really long since I wrote something. Laziness would be one of the reasons and I can't think of another! I don't have any specific topic in mind today. I just want to keep writing. Let me listen to one of the above sayings and "be spontaneous".

I was planning to jot down something about my experiences in Atlanta, but I never did it. It's been a month and a half since I returned, and if I look back I can say I've never had a more stable life. When I say stable, I wouldn't rephrase it as "boring". I've never met friendlier people till today. I didn't have the slightest hint of the fact that I would feel so comfortable in spite of not having anyone from my own country around me. One part of me was counting days to return to India, but now- honestly, I miss that life at times. I miss cooking and being complimented for my dishes (I had no competition!). I loved the time I spent in the kitchen, right from deciding what to cook till tasting the dish and passing my own judgement. I miss the small talks we had in office discussing just about anything. I miss the small angel who used to call out my name in the cutest manner possible. And more than anything, I miss my dear friend who took care of me like I was her own sister.

Lots of sentimental stuff eh? Well, some things just can't be sorted out with the mind alone, though I can't really afford to use my heart too much these days! At least that's what I'm telling myself! The air around me has been too chaotic since I set foot in India. I would complain about it, but I don't think that's of any use. I finally managed to settle down in my new room. It looks spacious and I like it. There's peace and quiet. Sometimes its too quiet but that's okay I guess. Life has its own stretches and squeezes. The ride wouldn't be fun if everything was uniformly distributed. Good way of convincing myself? Maybe!

Sorry, but I feel like switching to another random topic. I'm reading Anne Frank's Diary Of A Young Girl. The language is simple. There's no story as such, but I still enjoy it. It portrays so much about how many different shades the human mind has. On some level, each one of us would be able to connect to it. The sole purpose of the Franks to withstand the suffocation of such close boundaries for 2 years was to wait for the day when they would be able to walk around without fearing that their identity would lead to the cruelest form of death. Amidst the frustrations arising from staying in confinement, there was one thing which kept them going- hope. But destiny had something else planned. My curious mind got the better of me and I couldn't help researching on what happened to Anne and her family after being arrested by the Nazis. The result- I had to give reading a pause. I thought I wouldn't be able to go further with the book, but just like every other bitter pill to chew, the effect wore off as I convinced myself to continue.

Remember how I started this piece of blog? 10 more minutes and the next month starts. I guess I'm obliged to end this now. The sole purpose of writing this was to place a slice of my thoughts in a place which I could later access and read, maybe introspect. I heard that everyone's sun signs are changing from this year because astronomers have discovered the 13th star. Never mind, I'm still a cusp!

The thought for today is-

"Take this day to live out a dream. Imagine, Create, Believe."
